Monday, February 23, 2009


Today was the day I finally accepted that my mother will never be the way I want her to be. She will never just love me without strings or be there for me without expecting something in return and finally I am OK with it. I am OK not having her in my life on a day to day basis and really not being around her much anyway. I have spent the better part of my life being a good girl and trying to gain her love (she is not capable of loving me the way I need her to so I give up) I have my children and my grandchildren and they love me without question (or strings) I have the best friend a person could ask for and God. Not to say that this does not sting a little, but it is something I can live with. I still love her but she is not a positive influence in my life and as I have often said "sometimes you just have to cut the negativitiy out of your life" I am taking my own advice. Have a blessed day and a better tomorrow.


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