Monday, January 3, 2011

Life Sucks

Today is one of those days when I just want to run away and stay away FOREVER. I am back on the babysitting circuit and had to cancel my personal training sessions. I love my kids and my grandkids but today I am wondering "when will it be my turn". I have been raising kids since I was eight and now that I am 48 I still can't make plans for my own schedule and am still at the mercy of everyone else.......I know that I am blessed and, for the most part, would not change anything (much) but why does it have to be so hard?

I guess the point of this "bitch rant" is that if you do not have children, think long and hard before you do.........because it does not end when they are 18.

Work was difficult today and tonight I am just feeling sorry for myself, this too shall pass

Have a blessed day and a better tomorrow


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