Friday, December 31, 2010

Lightbulb Moment

I had the most hellicious experience with Pizza Hut last night.....which I will not go into. However, after arguing with the moron's at Pizza Hut (about my money) I had a light bulb go off in my head. Washington works for us, which is not news to me but, and this is the light bulb......not only do we pay their salaries but they use our money to run the country (which makes us shareholders). This bears repeating THEY USE OUR MONEY TO RUN THE my question is this "am I the only person to remember this?" If they are borrowing money from China (and they are) then we are the people responsible to repay this I ask you "why do we continue to abdicate our good judgment for theirs?" When are American's going to step up and say "NO MORE". I understand that rich people want to keep their money, they earned it (mainly) and deserve to keep it.......but the rest of us earned our money (always) and we deserve to keep it. If the Country (corporation) is to run equally for everyone then the answer is the Flat Tax.......everyone should pay one rate with no exceptions.......why is this concept so hard to understand and why can't Washington get it done?

I know that this opinion may not be the most popular......but, really it is the only way that the burden of running this country would be equal for everyone.

Also, this is the year 2010 (soon to be 2011) and Washington needs to catch up with technology. We are now given a social security number at birth (not when we start working). Why can't we have everyone who is registered to vote do so on all the major issues. If, when a bill is being passed, everyone who is registered to vote was able to get online and vote on the issues then we could hold the politicians responsible for going against what the MAJORITY in their states really want to have happen. We are supposed to be a democracy, which is intended for the majority to why can't this happen?

I don't know how to fix this but hopefully someone who is smarter, with more power, will get elected and "Git r done".

Have a safe, blessed and happy new year and hope for a better tomorrow.


1 comment:

Trudi & Gary said...

You are too smart... I think you should be the "Andy Rooney" type person for one of the MSNBC shows... just saying... your brain is sexy :-)